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Finally the Endo Relief Guide eBook is Here!


I have created this 24 page digital book because I believe every endo warrior should be empowered with the facts, latest research and treatment options when it comes to endometriosis. 


I know firsthand what it's like when your endo pain is dismissed and you have to try and  self-advocate to even be heard and taken seriously! The time spent researching what foods to eat, what treatments are available, and how to get rid of symptoms is countless. Not to mention, how do you know what information is correct and up-to-date? 


The Endo Relief Guide is a pretty damn concise guide, that provides great insight for those who are looking for scientific and empirical evidenced-based information navigating through the A-Z endometriosis.


The Endo Relief Guide is for:


  • Those who suspected they might have endo,
  • Those who have just been diagnosed with endo,
  • Those who have had endo for many years
  • Those who wish to support someone with endo
  • And everyone in between   


The Endo Relief Guide covers what endo is, risk factors associated with endo, how conventional medicine can manage endo, how nutritional medicine can support endo, which other complementary and supportive strategies are available, at home remedies to ease symptoms and much more.


This guide is the result of many hours of my research and is ideal for those who want some facts, answers, and options when it comes to endo. It also provides just a taste of how I can support you in my clinic. 


Bec xx

The Endo Relief Guide

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