Take the guess work out of low-grade food reactions and fast track your way to health & weight loss with the non-invasive food compatibility test!
The rate of food intolerances and reactions has increased exponentially over the past 50 years. This no doubt relates to changes in the way our food is grown, modified and processed, coupled with the huge amount of stress and pressure people are under these days. This fast paced-modern living, full of social media, juggling kids while trying to work causes havoc in our gut and nervous system leaving us burnt out and overweight with a list of symptoms, further aggravated by dietary triggers and reactions.
The food compatibility test can help to restore vitality, energy and wellbeing by identifying triggering foods that may be leading to symptoms of:
- Weight Gain
- Fatigue
- Brain Fog
- Period pain
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Reflux
- Diarrhoea
- Indigestion
- Skin rashes
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Inflammation / pain
- Arthritis
- Insomnia
- Behavioural issues
- Colic/Reflux in Babies
- Migraines / Headaches
- Mood Disturbances
- And more!
When the triggering food is removed for a period of time, this reduces inflammation and allows for the gut to heal and seal back up, cellular energy to be restored and encourages those annoying symptoms to dwindle away! Although we suggest removing the food for about 3-4 mths (6 mths in some cases), the results can happen as soon as 1-week of eating the right foods for your body. At 6-mths we can retest the aggravating foods and check for symptoms to encourage inclusion back into the diet.
This test is by far the most popular one I offer, as it covers a huge amount of items, including 600 different foods, beverages, nutritional supplements, and personal hygiene products. It is not an allergy test, as most people are aware of allergies, instead it looks at lower-grade reactions, the ones you often can pinpoint that may not show on a regular IgG, IgE, IgA testing. These lower grade reactions contribute to inflammation and underlying health issues.
This test is incredible for:
- Those who feel heavy, sluggish, and are carrying excess weight
- Those with brain fog and fatigue
- Those who get bloated, an upset belly, or blocked up from eating certain foods
- Those with heart burn and reflux after eating certain foods
- Those who suffer from menstral imbalances related to the diet
- Those who suffer from skin irritations, rashes, eczema and psoriasis
- Those that might have inflammatory or pain conditions
- Those that feel their sleep an mood are being impacted by foods
- Breastfed babies that might be unsettled, spewy, with or without skin rashes, mucous stools, etc
- Kids that seem to respond negatively to some foods, leading to behavioural issues or other symptoms, but you want to know which ones
- Those who might be feeling a bit off and know that it’s something in their diet
The thing my clients love is that it’s a non-invasive test that simply requires a small sample of hair to be posted. Elimination diets can take months and months to identify a trigger foods, where as this report gives results in approx 7-10 days after the sample has been received.
Those who complete the test and stick with the food swaps get excellent results, feeling less heavy & fatigued, are more regular, have more energy, better skin, better periods, increased vitality, settled bellies for bubs and behaviours in kids.
Life is too short to put of with these symptoms, find answers for your health and fast track your results today!
Upon purchasing, instructions will be emailed explaining how to collect the sample and the lab's postal address for you to post your sample directly to them. When the results come in, I will email them to you, with a link to book a complimentary 15min call with me to discuss any questions you might have.
*This is a stand alone test, with a complimentary 15min consult to discuss results*
**Please complete the mandatory information upon purchasing in order for me to create the test request with the lab**
Any other questions? Contact me below.