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Recurrent Tonsillitis

When swallowing food feels like razor blades, you're body is aching all over with hot and cold sweats and you feel like throwing up...you know the dreaded tonsillitis has returned again!

Firstly, let me empathise with you here, as I was a sufferer of recurrent tonsillitis throughout my childhood and I know how horrifically unwell you can feel with this dreaded sickness. But it might surprise you that it doesn't have to be that way forever. I am very passionate about getting to the root cause of illness, and tonsillitis can in fact be treated and prevented.

Tonsillitis is merely a immunological response, so what is triggering your immune system?

What causes recurrent tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is an immunological response, as tonsils form part of our lymphatic system. They are the 'guards on the gate' for any antigens entering the body through the oral pathway. The causes behind tonsillitis vary from genetic factors to food intolerances and lowered immunity.

How can recurrent tonsillitis be treated?

Traditional treatment of tonsillitis involves a prescription of penicillin, with longer-term options being a tonsillectomy (remove of tonsils and/or adenoids). However, unfortunately doctors do not prescribe a follow up of probiotics after the course of penicillin, meaning your gut microbiome gets wiped out alongside the bad bugs leaving you susceptible to yet another bout.

After studying some immunology this semester in biology, it makes perfect sense to me that one should first try looking at dietary and lifestyle changes prior to undergoing a tonsillectomy. Removing common allergens may be key for some individuals, with diary being a priority, followed by gluten and sugar. Sugar is something I think we could all reduce in our diets!

Much of the population are actually dairy intolerant and don't realise, as they only associate it with running to the toilet. Lactose intolerance can be described as "Loosey Lucy" whereas casein intolerances are more like her neighbour "Constipated Cathy". Nonetheless, dairy intolerance can also manifest in skin conditions, or exacerbate symptoms of tonsillitis by triggering an immune response via the 'guards on the gate' -our tonsils and adenoids.

My top tips for preventing tonsillitis

  • Address lifestyle factors that may be lowering your overall immunity: stress, sleep deprivation, too much alcohol or coffee are a good place to start.

  • Remove common food allergens, as described earlier including dairy, gluten and inflammatory, immune-lowering items such as sugar.

  • Work with a herbalist, as there are a few herbs that really shine in the tonsil department. These include Andrographis, Astragalus, Echinacea, Myrrh and Golden Seal.

  • Ensure your nutrient levels are optimal, including vitamin C, Zinc, B group vitamins.

  • Take practitioner quality probiotics along side gut loving prebiotics to fire up your innate immune system.

If you've done all the right things and still getting symptoms, (while I would personally keep searching for the trigger) then you may consider getting surgery. But be warned, a tonsillectomy as an adulthood, is certainly not for the faint-hearted!

Struggling to work out what is triggering your tonsil symptoms? Give me a shout. We can investigate other dietary allergens and get to the root cause of your flare ups.

Love to hear your thoughts,

Bec xx


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