You know when you're not feeling ok. You're mojo went out the window several months ago, you're knackered after a decent stint of sleep and just a general feeling of BLAH lingers around your hood. The GP has given all clear on your 10th blood test in 2 months. You spend night and day wondering what in the world is wrong, which creates a perpetuating notion of further exhaustion; nonetheless, you still cant put your finger on finding an answer for your health.
The truth about modern medicine
Studying medicine is a lengthy academic pathway taking 10+ years; however, unfortunately medical degrees in Australia contain little-to-no education on nutritional or dietetic medicine. Meanwhile, approximately 80% of deaths in Australia are caused by dietary related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer, of which pharmaceuticals are readily prescribed - which can be lifesaving...but why not treat the underlying cause? The point is, although modern medicine is absolutely necessary and life changing in cases; particularly emergency medicine; many things may get missed by your GP. A 7 minute (on average) consultation is simply not long enough to dive into the complexity of a case. In chronic cases, it's important to ensure you are also working with a degree qualified clinical nutritionist or naturopath alongside your GP, to ensure your health situation is thoroughly investigated.
Investigating the root cause
Throughout my health journey I discovered even if your bloods come back within range...they may not be optimal. For example, if your vitamin D levels are 52 nmol/L and the range is 50-150 nmol/l this doesn’t exclude you from feeling the symptomatic effects of low vitamin D. If thyroid issues are suspected, TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) will be tested, yet TSH doesn't indicate what is happening with free T4 and the conversion to your active thyroid hormone free T3. If you are feeling flat, tired, down, unmotivated, anti-depressants might be prescribed, however, perhaps your free T3 is low and you're suffering from hypothyroidism. It's important to read between the lines and investigate the root cause of what is actually going on at a genetic, cellular, and systematic level. This is where clinical nutrition can really help!
A few factors to consider when chronically ill are:
Other Micronutrient Excesses and Deficiencies
Pyrrole Disorder (High oxidative stress)
Parasite Infections
Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth
H.Pylori and other Pathogens
Gut Permeability
Food Chemical Intolerances
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Glucose Dysregulation
Trauma and Micro-trauma
Environmental Triggers
Medical Device Injuries
Breast Implants
Metal Hypersensitivity
Hormone imbalances
If you are presenting with an assortment of symptoms and not sure what is going on, let's chat. I would love to support you in your healing journey.
For those who seek will find...
Bec xx